
Our logo uniform supplier is Michael Hope

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Click on the St Philip's School logo at the bottom of the page.


The blue school jumper with the school logo MUST be ordered online from Michael Hope. All the rest of the uniform may be generic or unbranded and therefore may be purchased from any retailer.

The following items with the school logo MAY also be bought from Michael Hope online:

  • White school polo shirt
  • Blue school fleece and jacket (for outside use only)
  • Book bag
  • PE Hoodie
  • Hat and Cap 

Please ensure that all articles of clothing are clearly named; this makes returning property to the correct owner much easier!  You can also buy printed name labels from Michael Hope.

  • Blue jumper or cardigan with the school logo
  • White polo shirt
  • Black school shoes or training shoes. - Heels, suede and open toed shoes are not allowed.   Boots are ONLY allowed in the winter and these must be black leather - not suede.  (No Ugg boots)
  • Black or grey skirt, or grey pinafore dress
  • Summer dresses - blue and white checked gingham
  • Black or grey trousers
  • Black or grey socks.

Children should have a waterproof jacket to wear at playtime if the weather is a bit damp.

In the colder months, children should have a warm coat to wear for outdoor play.



All children are expected to take part in P.E. and Games lessons. Please will you send a note if you consider your child is unfit to do so. Children must change into suitable clothing for all physical activities.

Indoor Kit:

Plain white t-shirt and navy or black shorts.

Outdoor Kit:

As above plus dark sweatshirt and dark jogging bottoms or leggings for cold weather, training shoes or daps.


All PE Kit should be kept in a named drawstring PE bag.

Swimming costumes and towels are required for junior children when they have swimming lessons.

The PTA regularly hold second hand uniform sales where uniform can be purchased very reasonably.


Long hair must be tied back whilst in school.  Children will be asked to tie back their hair when it touches their shoulders. 

Extreme styles such as Mohicans and shaved patterns are not acceptable in school.

Plain navy or blue Alice bands or hair ties may be used – no large ribbons

Hair should not be dyed.

Makeup or nail varnish should not be worn to school. 

Children should not wear tattoos.


The Health Authority no longer carries out regular checks on children's hair but the occasional problem of head lice still remains. To avoid this, we ask parents to make regular inspections, with careful brushing and combing to help identify unwanted passengers.  Please help us in this matter.



No jewellery may be worn except a watch and/or small ear studs.

Watches with calculators or the ability to record or photograph are not allowed.

For Health and Safety reasons, all jewellery must be removed for PE and Games and remains the responsibility of the child. 

Body piercings are not permitted

If parents wish for their children to have their ears pierced, arrangements should be made for this to be done at the beginning of the summer holidays – this allows their ears to heal without having to remove the sleeper.



Children should have a small drawstring bag in which their PE kit is stored

Children in the infants should all have a book bag.

Junior children may have a small rucksack to carry their lunch box, reading book, and planner.

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Link to the Trust Uniform Policy 2022

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